Image to Background

All you need is an image of the atmosphere you want,  and we'll make it look like it.

How to use Image to Background

Step 1
Upload Product Image
Please upload the product photo. The background will be automatically removed.
Step 2
Upload Reference Image
Please upload the reference image you want and adjust its position accordingly.
Step 3
Check the Results
Check the results, and if you wish to make modifications, please do so in the editor.


What is Image to Background?

It's a service where you upload a reference image, and we create a similar background for your product photography.

How does the reference image affect the output?

The better the resolution of the reference image, the higher the quality of the output background.

What if I don't have a reference image?

You can use our AI Photographer or Text to Background services to generate a background.

How do I upload my reference image?

Follow the on-site instructions to upload your image directly through the service interface.

Is there a recommended resolution for the reference image?

Yes, higher resolution images result in better output quality, but specific recommendations can be found on the service page.

Can I use any image as a reference?

Ideally, the reference should be relevant to the product to ensure the background aligns with the desired context.

Is there a limit to how many backgrounds I can generate?

You can use this service without any limitations, and it's free. Upgrading to the Pro Plan gives you access to higher resolution outputs and customized sizes.

What if I want to make changes to the generated background?

Follow the on-site instructions to upload your image directly through the service interface.

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